night scene in tokyo

Why work with us

Japan’s first
streetside towerco

people rushing through busy street in Tokyo

Why work with us

International business
model, Japanese team

night tokyo

Why work with us

smarter cities

Leading Provider of Wi-Fi 6 with Passpoint® Hotspots and 5G Small Cells on the Streets of Japan

Japan needs new networks; new networks need new sites and new sites need a new approach. Sentient is the driving force behind this new approach.

Sentient is the leading provider of Wi-Fi 6 with Passpoint® hotspots and 5G small cells on the streets of Japan.

Sentient has exclusive access to 100,000’s of dense urban, high footfall sites in Japanese cities.

Sentient is bringing an international model proven by its team in 8 other countries and working with its top tier Japanese team to deliver the critical national digital infrastructure to make Japan ever more competitive.

Sentient KK is a Japan-registered company. Our Japan management team has an average of 27 years of experience.

Sentient. Enabling Smarter Cities.

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